Saturday, April 25, 2015

The best way of beating a 4-4-2 top eleven

topguidegame4u - how to beat the top eleven 4-4-2 formation. yes this time I will discuss about how to beat the top eleven 4-4-2,Formation 4-4 -2 is the formation of a strong and stable in the attack and attack, with four players last 4 midfielders and 2 forwards make this formation is sturdy but there are weaknesses of each formation, the formation of 4 - 4-2 Weak in the middle We will take advantage of the weakness, then the formation of what can Beat the formation of 4 - 4 - 2? we look down

Also read: How To Beat Formation 4-1 - 2 - 1 to 2 Top Eleven
namely the formation of 4 - 3 - 1-2with a 4-3-1-2 formation we can attack the enemy's defenses through the middle
how to beat the formations 442

The best way of beating a 4-4-2 top eleven

Note: red arrows in the center MC and AMC

Permaian settings:
Mental Tim: Normal
Focus Feed: Through the Middle
Style Pressure: Half Field
Tekel style: Normal
Passing Style: Blend
Style Care: Keep Specific Areas
Direct Counterattack: YESPlay Jenakan Offside: NO

see also :

How To Beat 4-1-3-2 Formation Top Eleven

Stamina And Moral Minimum: 80%

NB: This formation does not guarantee the victory of your team, make this formation as an alternative, it all depends on the quality of your players

Sunday, April 19, 2015

How To Beat 4-1-3-2 Formation Top Eleven

How To Beat 4-1-3-2 Formation Top Eleven

Formation weakness 4-1 -3 - 2
This formation using three midfielders and two strikers to attack, with four defenders and one defensive midfielder making it very difficult for opponents to penetrate the opponent's defense

This time I will tell formations that can beat the formation of 4-1 -3 - 2 Based on my own experience :)

Formation ie 3-1 - 4 - 2

How To Beat 4-1-3-2 Formation Top Eleven

es this formation I've tried by myself and my team finally managed to embarrass the opponent at home alone, with the final score 0-5

setting game

How To Beat 4-1-3-2 Formation Top Eleven

Setting of game:

Mental Team: Normal

Focus Feedback: Down, Two Wings

Pressure Style: Half Field

Tackles Style: Normal

Passing Style: Blend

Style Care: Keep Specific Areas

Jump Counterattack: YES
Play Offside Trap: NO

Please In Use, Good luck